Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Stranger Journal #2: Personal Philosophy


· Optimism- There are positives that can be found in every situation. There is no point in wasting time concentrating on the negatives because life becomes easier when one realizes what makes him or her so lucky in an unfortunate situation.

· God is not responsible for all the events in one’s life- If something bad happens, it is not because one has done anything wrong. God does not put anyone in a bad situation, He helps guide him or her through it.

· People’s personalities are subject to change- Just because someone is a certain way at one point, does not mean that he/she will always be like that.

· Things in life are meant to be- Everything in life happens for a reason. People are always in the right place at the right time.

· Meaning to existence will eventually be found- Although there may not be a current reason for why people are living, eventually someone will come across the “meaning of life.”

· People work hard for rewards- If people know that there will be some kind of repayment for their actions, they are more likely to work hard to achieve those goals and receive that reward.

· Living in the moment is important- If people spend to much time thinking about the future, they miss out on the good things that are current and happening around them. They are too busy thinking about what will happen instead of what is happening.

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