Sunday, December 13, 2009

Blood Wedding Journal #3: Letters characters might have written

Dearest Leonardo,

I could not deny this burning, passionate love I felt when I was with you. Every minute of the day I longed to be with you. I left this other man's and my wedding, his family and his house for you, but I was afraid that you were the one they would punish. I kept asking you to escape, but you refused. I know you told me that you wanted to find a corner of darkness where you could escape the poison that others spread, and if that had happened, I would have always been there for you, carefully watching and guarding your dreams. These hands of mine, they longed to dig into your flesh and open your veins and listen to your murmuring blood. I was burning for your love. You told me that the only reason we would be apart would be because one of us had died. But now, my fears are a reality. We can never be together for, you lie under the fields of wheat.

Love always,


  1. very creative. this is G. straight pimpin' :D

  2. Dearest Holly,

    I could not deny this burning, passionate love I felt when I was with you. [...]

    Love always,

    hah ;)
