Monday, September 14, 2009

Journal # 1

I perceive Janie as someone that is confident in her own skin. When Janie says, "If God don't think no mo' 'bout them then Ah do, they're a lost ball in de high grass" (p. 5), it shows that she doesn't let what those people say get to her. There's also this innocent side of her that appears mostly in 'young Janie.' When she says, "Ah thought Ah wuz just like de rest" (p. 9), it reveals that she doesn't realize there could be a difference between her and the white children she grew up with. Also, when it says that 'she wanted to struggle with life but it seemed to elude her" (p. 11), it gives off the impression that Janie lives in the moment and there's nothing in her life to be troubled by. Although the innocent side is apparent in 'young Janie', 'adult Janie' experiences reality where people judge her and try to get under her skin. However, she does her best to avoid the comments and just be content with who she is.

The narrator uses imagery, similes and metaphors to really set the scene for the reader. These also allow the reader to get to know the characters and their personalities. The use of adjectives by the narrator sets the tone and gives some insight into the characterization.

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