Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Journal #2: Sermon using Hurston's dialect

Ah do believe dat yuh can pick yo'self up if you's taken a fall. Ah don't believe dat anything should hold ya back from makin' yo' dreams come true. Wid some strong will an' some help from de Good Lawd, yuh can make all yo' wishes happen. Ah thank God fo' bringin' me tah where Ah am tuhday, standin' heah, speakin' fo' y'all. He didn't give up on meh, but most of all, Ah didn't give up on mahself. Ah been fightin' and strugglin' and workin' my way to where Ah wanna be and Ah know all y'all have de strength tah do it too. Keep on dreamin', 'cause one uh dese days, dose dreams is gonna come true. No mattah how hard it may be, don't give up. De Lawd will be makin' sho' yah stay strong. Don't let go of yo' heart, 'cause soon y'all are gonna be somedin' 'cause of it.

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