Sunday, September 27, 2009

Journal #9: Two content elements and Plot diagram

A theme that gets developed throughout the story that is supported by chapters 19 and 20 is that one who impacts another person's life will ultimately change and leave a lasting effect on that person.

After Tea Cake is killed, Janie attends Joes funeral wearing her overalls. Janie was, "too busy feeling grief to dress like grief" (Hurston, 189). This shows us that Janie was clearly impacted by Tea Cake's death. In comparison to when Joe dies, Janie actually is upset about Tea Cake dying. The contrast of Janie's two husbands' deaths illuminates the fact that with Tea Cake, she does not feel like she has to put on a false appearance to show others her true feelings about him. He has changed Janie and with her expression of "grief" it is obvious how much he impacted her and how upset she was when he was no longer in her life.

Janie is chatting with Phoeby at Janie's house and she mentions to Phoeby that, "Love is lak de sea. It's uh movin' thing, but still and all it takes its shape from the shore it meets, and it's different with every shore" (Hurston, 191). Janie is referring to all of her previous relationships. She expresses that with every man she has been with, a change has been made to her. She is never quite the same person and can grow with each marriage. Although love is a powerful thing, like the sea, it can still change and form to any element it encounters. Janie is a strong person, but the men she has married definitely have left a lasting effect on her.

Plot diagram:
Anne has never known what it is like to live with her parents. She has grown up under her Grandmother's roof. Her Grandmother has taught her many lessons- anywhere from "Don't cry over spilled milk" to "Just be yourself." Listening to those sayings as a young child, Anne did not think anything of them. However, after Anne's Grandmother passes away a few years later, she finds herself recalling all the times she could listen to a word of advice from her wise Grandma. She finally realizes how much she cherished those times and how much of an impact her Grandmother's sayings had on her.

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